The contraceptive pill is a commonly used method of preventing pregnancy.
It contains hormones that suppress women’s fertility. This means that no ovulation takes place and the mucous membrane lining the uterus develops to a lesser extent.
The contraceptive pill and your health
There are a number of health effects associated with taking the contraceptive pill.
Taking the pill increases the risk of liver cancer
There are indications that taking the pill increases the risk of benign liver tumours (adenomas). Over time these tumours could become malignant.
This effect only seems to occur in the case of contraceptive pills with a high oestrogen and progesterone content.
Taking the pill increases the risk of breast cancer
There are indications that taking the pill slightly increases the risk of developing breast cancer. This risk normalises when you stop taking the pill.
The risk of developing breast cancer when you are of child-bearing age is low.
iGene Passport
iGene offers you an insight into your personal risks of developing conditions and tells you whether taking the contraceptive pill may have a negative effect on your health. In addition, an iGene Passport provides you with information on what else you can do to reduce any risks. Here we focus on behaviour that will help you maximise the benefits to your health. In the publication below you can read more about what iGene can do for you.