Generally speaking, trans fats have harmful health effects.
Trans fats are worse for our health than saturated fats.
Trans fats are naturally present in animal fats (in small quantities) or result from the industrial partial hydrogenation of unsaturated fats. During this process liquid oils are transformed into a less liquid form to give them a more solid structure (making them easier to spread) and to improve their shelf life. Full hydrogenation of unsaturated fat does not produce trans fats.
Industrial trans fatty acids have largely been removed from our food since the 1980s, when the harmful effects of trans fats on health became known.
The main sources of trans fats today are products derived from animals (dairy and meat). You can cut down on your consumption of trans fats by opting for liquid or soft fats as far as possible, and by not eating too many cakes, pastries and snacks.
Trans fats and your health
There are health effects associated with the consumption of trans fats.
Trans fats increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases
Trans fats have a negative effect on your blood cholesterol level. Trans fats are worse for your health than saturated fats. They increase the LDL cholesterol level and lower the HDL cholesterol level. This significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
iGene Passport
iGene offers you an insight into your personal risks of developing conditions and tells you whether avoiding trans fats may be particularly important for you to help prevent certain conditions. In addition, an iGene Passport provides you with information on what else you can do to reduce any risks.
Here we focus on behaviour that will help you maximise the benefits to your health. In the publication below you can read more about what iGene can do for you.